trail's end range

brand identity


brand identity

The Trail’s End Ranch Radio Show is a performance, based in a fictitious radio studio somewhere on the great American prairie. A format similar to the popular Minnesota Public Radio’s “A Prairie Home Companion” with Garrison Keillor. A group of cowboys - six musicians and six poet/actors - gather on Saturday night to sing, recite their poetry and act out humorous skits depicting the way cowboys meet the challenges of an ever changing daily life.

 A folly artist and old-time advertising jingles add spice to this fast paced, two-hour performance, while poetry provides reflection on values the modern-day cowboy holds dear. In short, the Trail’s End Ranch Radio Show is a nostalgic look at the way life once was, before the Internet and the advent of social media took the “voice” out of interpersonal communication. The performance is scheduled to tour Europe and Asia this Spring and Summer 2014.


Let’s keep one thing in the open – we love to entertain. We love music, poetry, and comedy here in the prairies of the American West, and we want to give you a little taste. But we also bring you back to the old cowboy core principles, a spirit and lifestyle that has transcended time through simple living. Our show serves as a reminder of America’s humble beginnings rooted in respect, responsibility, and honesty. In a country consumed by corporate influence, we capture the essence of living as a community that supports and depends on each other. After all, the true American spirit exists in a community that brings people together, and we love the company.







Larry Biehl

Executive Producer